9th Week: Success

It is hard to believe that I am halfway through fall semester of my sophomore year. I am capping off the successful week by skipping class tomorrow and going to the zoo with my friend, Serengeti. I have had two midterms this week and I have two more next week. My exam in the lab portion of my anatomy class went (I would like to think) well and the exam in the lab portion of my microbiology class did not go as well, but still pretty decent. Last night, Wednesday the 28th, I went with 3 friends to the opening night for the Portland Trailblazers’ 2015-16 season and they started the season off with a win! Their 15th consecutive winning home opener, longest streak in NBA history. (Can you tell that I like basketball? Especially the Blazers. I pride myself in knowing facts that are pretty much pointless but interesting to me none the less).

Friday’s trip to the zoo kicks off Halloweekend! At the zoo, we get to watch elephants squish giant(!!) pumpkins (check out the Oregon Zoo’s Facebook for cool pics). Then there will be a party that one of the fraternities on campus is holding along with some hanging out with my sorority fam. Then on Saturday, a group of us are going down to Monmouth for a Halloween scavenger hunt and then off to Oregon State in Corvallis for the real fun that night. It is going to be nice to get away for the weekend and have a little bit of fun.

Have a fun (and maybe a little spooky) Halloween 🙂

Let’s Try This Again

Well, my first attempt at blogging went miserably. I made 3 posts and abandoned my blog. Hopefully I can stick with this a bit more and actually make something of it. I am not a very great writer, nor am I very succinct, so my life is filled with statements that I give up on because I cannot reach my point; sort of like what happened to this blog. But I am going to try again.

I have no photo to post for today because I am mentally and physically exhausted after studying and taking 2 exams today. Today was definitely not a day that I enjoyed. I do not feel like I did as well as I wold have liked on my exams and on top of that there was another mass shooting, this time about 4-5 hours south of where I live at a community college. It was very difficult to focus on my studies today, knowing that at least 10 people died and 20 others were injured while attending class. Those students that died will never get to accomplish what they were actually at school for and I find that extremely unsettling. With all of the debate about gun control and the so-called war on Christianity that were revisited today, I truly hope that things will begin to change (mainly about gun control; the whole “war on Christianity” thing on the other hand… no comment). How many more people need to die in order for our country to wake up, get our shit together, and work together on this topic to make something happen?

Winter Break

I took my last final on Monday the 8th and immediately my day got better. That day I also learned that I had received my first college A and my friend, Serengeti, got back from her 3-month stay in Amsterdam! These past couple days I have done absolutely nothing of importance (with the exception of an 8 hour shift I worked last night) and it feels amazing. For the past 3 months, I would go to class, come home and do homework, and then either go to cheer practice or work and repeat this every day of the week except for the weekends when I would just work. Waking up this morning after 11 hours of sleep was one of the best feelings I have had in a long while.

Today and Monday I babysat my friend Jordan’s little brother, Gavin. Gavin and I have spent some quality time together playing football in the front yard, playing video games, and talking about crazy kids in his 5th grade class. Today I helped him pick out clothes for his Christmas program, (he decided on his very formal suit) and I ironed them for him as we rocked out to some Jay Z and ate Dominos pizza. After just getting to his house, also known as “The Acres,” a crazy rainstorm hit and the sky went black. Rain is not uncommon for Oregon, but this was a downpour for 15 minutes with intense wind; it was insane. But after the rain subsided, Gavin and I ventured outside to go return a video game and I was stopped on the front steps and taken aback by just how beautiful Oregon is after the rain. I snapped a quick iPhone photo and hopped into the car, and I’m a little disappointed that it doesn’t give any justice to the golden sky. But I guess that you could say that I had a pretty great start to my winter break.

Isn’t it pretty to think so? -Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

Trial Run

Well, here goes nothing… my first blog post. I’m not exactly sure what this will turn into, or if anything will even come of my blogging, but I thought that it could be exciting and give me something to do when I am procrastinating on my homework.

My hope is to talk blog about exciting things that won’t bore people to death. Right now I’m a first-year student at Linfield College in the beautiful town of McMinnville, Oregon. The first semester is winding down, and I’m looking forward to some snow, adventure, and spending some quality time with my family and friends. Eventually, I hope to write about my travels and my experiences in life to possibly help others in anyway that I can. There’s much of the world that I haven’t seen, but when I get there, I will let you know.

Like the title of my blog, I am really looking to discover myself; I am Looking for Morgan.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. -Confucius