9th Week: Success

It is hard to believe that I am halfway through fall semester of my sophomore year. I am capping off the successful week by skipping class tomorrow and going to the zoo with my friend, Serengeti. I have had two midterms this week and I have two more next week. My exam in the lab portion of my anatomy class went (I would like to think) well and the exam in the lab portion of my microbiology class did not go as well, but still pretty decent. Last night, Wednesday the 28th, I went with 3 friends to the opening night for the Portland Trailblazers’ 2015-16 season and they started the season off with a win! Their 15th consecutive winning home opener, longest streak in NBA history. (Can you tell that I like basketball? Especially the Blazers. I pride myself in knowing facts that are pretty much pointless but interesting to me none the less).

Friday’s trip to the zoo kicks off Halloweekend! At the zoo, we get to watch elephants squish giant(!!) pumpkins (check out the Oregon Zoo’s Facebook for cool pics). Then there will be a party that one of the fraternities on campus is holding along with some hanging out with my sorority fam. Then on Saturday, a group of us are going down to Monmouth for a Halloween scavenger hunt and then off to Oregon State in Corvallis for the real fun that night. It is going to be nice to get away for the weekend and have a little bit of fun.

Have a fun (and maybe a little spooky) Halloween 🙂